Get ready for the January challenge!

The January Art Challenge

In 2016, 64 Million Artists were commissioned by Arts Council England to produce a report looking at Everyday Creativity across England – what people thought it was, where it was happening, how it happened and what needed to be put in place to encourage more of it.

The January challenge involving 64 Million artists is just around the corner! Throughout the month of January, there is a daily challenge available with the aim to support positive wellbeing and boost collaboration & creativity.  The January challenge is a programme of 31 ‘bitesize’ challenges intended to take no more than 5 minutes daily. In 2021, 34,000 people took part and 98% said it had a positive impact on wellbeing. The challenges will be curated by an inspiring range of people from diverse backgrounds. You can sign up for one of three types of challenge – more details can be found here.

Please see the link here to get a favour of previous challenges and see what others have been up to. There is no obligation to share what you produce but if you would like to, you can upload it via the same link.  

The full suite of challenges can be found here

Happy January Challenging! 

The Wellbeing Team

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